Full Members of the FAIB
- A1EUA - Alpha-1 Europe Alliance
website: http://www.alpha1europe.com - Access Agriculture
website: http://www.accessagriculture.org - Accountancy Europe
website: http://www.accountancyeurope.eu - ACE - Architect’s Council of Europe
Conseil des Architectes d'Europe
website: http://www.ace-cae.eu - ACI-Europe - Airport Council International
website: http://www.aci-europe.org - ADDE - Association of Dental Dealers in Europe
website: http://www.adde.info - ADEPT - Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform
website: http://www.adept-platform.org - ADHD EUROPE aisbl
website: http://www.adhdeurope.eu - AEA - Association of the European Hearing aid Acousticians
Association Européenne des Audioprothésistes
website: http://www.aea-audio.org - AFECOR - European control Manufacturers Association
website: http://www.afecor.org - Affordable Medicines Europe
website: http://www.affordablemedicines.eu - AFI/ICA - Association Fraternelle Internationale/Inter-Cultural Association
website: http://www.afi-ica.org/ - AFPH - Alliance for Pulmonary Hypertension
- AHILA - Association Internationale d’Historiens Latino-Américain Européens
website: http://www.ahila.eu - AHK Debelux - Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Luxembourgeoise-Allemande
website: http://www.debelux.ahk.de - AIA - Association Internationale Aphasie
website: http://www.aphasia-international.com - AIB - Association of Issuing Bodies
website: http://www.aib-net.org - AIBI - International Association of Plant Bakers
website: http://www.aibi.eu - AIJA - Association Internationale des jeunes avocats
website: http://www.aija.org - AISE - International Association for soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products
Association internationale de la savonnerie, de la détergence et des produits d'entretien
website: http://www.aise.eu - AITA /IATA - Association Internationale du théâtre amateur
International Amateur Theater Association
website: http://www.aitaiata.net - ALL RAIL - Alliance of Rail New Entrants
website: http://www.allrail.eu - AMFORI
website: http://www.amfori.org - AMICE - Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe
website: http://www.amice-eu.org - AMSEP/WAPES - World Association of Public Employement Service
website: http://www.wapes.org - ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation
website: http://www.anec.eu - AREA - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association
Groupement européen des fédérations et syndicats nationaux d'installateurs frigoristes dans tous les systèmes et applications
website: http://www.area-eur.be - AVERE - European Association for Electromobility
website: http://www.avere.org - BANTANI - BANTANI EDUCATION
website: http://www.bantani.com - BDJV - Belgisch-Deutsche Juristenvereinigung
website: http://www.bdjv.org - BEUC - The European Consumers' Organisation
Bureau européen des unions de consommateurs
website: http://www.beuc.eu - BIC - Bio-based Industries Consortium
website: http://www.biconsortium.eu - BIG - Breast International Group
website: http://www.bigagainstbc.org - BIPAR - European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries
Federation européenne d’intermédiaires d'assurances
website: http://www.bipar.eu - BIR - Bureau of International Recycling
Bureau international de la récupération et du recyclage
website: http://www.bir.org - BSEF - The International Bromine Council
website: http://www.bsef.org - BSP - Benelux Phlebology Society
Société Bénéluxiène de Phlébologie
website: http://www.phlebologybenelux.org - CBMC - Covered Bond & Mortgage Council
website: http://www.hypo.org - CCBE - Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
website: http://www.ccbe.eu - CCEJM - Centre Culturel Européen Jean Monnet
website: http://www.jeanmonnet.com - CCME - Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe
website: http://www.ccme.eu - CEC - Conférence des Eglises Européennes
website: http://www.ceceurope.org - CECIMO - European Association of the Machine Tool Industries
Association européenne des industries de la Machine Outils
website: http://www.cecimo.eu - CED - Council of European Dentists
website: http://www.cedentists.eu - CEFIC - European Chemical Industry Council
Conseil européen de l'industrie chimique
website: http://www.cefic.org - CELCAA - the European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade
website: http://www.celcaa.eu - CEMBUREAU - The European Cement Association
Association européenne du ciment
website: http://www.cembureau.eu - CEPE - European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists' Colours Industry
Conseil européen de l'industrie des peintures, des encres d'imprimerie et des couleurs d'art
website: http://www.cepe.org - CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries
Confédération des industries papetières européennes
website: http://www.cepi.org - CER - Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies
website: http://www.cer.be - CERAME-UNIE - The European Ceramic Industry Association
website: http://www.cerameunie.eu - CERDEN - Centre Européen pour la Recherche, le Développement, et l’Enseignement de la Nutrition et de la Nutrithérapie
website: http://www.cerden.org - CGD Europe - Center for Global Development
website: http://www.cgdev.org - CIICA - Cochlear Implant International Community of Action
website: http://www.ciicanet.org - CIRFS - European Man-made Fibres Association
website: http://www.cirfs.org - CISM - International Military Sports Council
Conseil international du sport militaire
website: http://www.milsport.one - CITA - International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee
Comité international de l'inspection technique automobile
website: https://citainsp.org/ - CLEPA - European Association of Automotive Supplies
website: https://clepa.eu/ - CoB - Council of Bureaux
website: http://www.cobx.org - COCERAL - Committee of Cereals, Oilseeds, Animal Feed, Olive Oil, Oils and Fats and Agro-Supply Trade in the EU
Comité du commerce des céréales, aliments du bétail, oléagineux, huile d'olive, huiles et graisses et agrofournitures de l'UE
website: http://www.coceral.com - COCIR - European Committee of Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT industry
website: http://www.cocir.org - COSMETICS EUROPE - The European Personal Care Association
website: http://www.cosmeticseurope.eu - COTANCE - Confederation of National Associations of Tanners and Dressers of the EU
website: http://www.euroleather.com - CPME - Standing Committee of European Doctors
website: http://www.cpme.eu - CropLife Europe aisbl
website: https://croplifeeurope.eu/ - CUS - Comité Universitaire de Solidarité
website: http://www.cus-uks.org - EACHA - European Automated Clearing House Association
website: http://www.eacha.org - EAHP - European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
website: http://www.eahp.eu - EALIC - EUROPEANISSUERS
website: http://www.europeanissuers.eu - EAMTM - European Association of Machine Tool Merchants
website: http://www.eamtm.com - EAPR - European Association for Potato Research
website: http://www.eapr.net - EARMA - European Association for Research Managers and Administrators
website: http://www.earma.org - EARPA - European Automotive Research Partners Association
website: http://www.earpa.eu - EARTO - European Association of Research and Technology Organisations
website: http://www.earto.eu - EASE - European Association for Storage of Energy
website: http://www.ease-storage.eu - EATCS - AEIT - Association Européenne d'informatique théorique
website: http://www.eatcs.org - EBC - European Brain Council
website: http://www.europeanbraincouncil.org - EBF - European Banking Federation
website: http://www.ebf-fbe.eu - EBU-UER - European Broadcasting Union
website: http://www.ebu.ch - ECA - eu can aid!
website: http://www.eucanaid.eu - ECCA - European Coil Coating Association
website: http://www.prepaintedmetal.eu - ECDN - European Consumer Debt Network
website: http://www.ecdn.eu - ECES - European Centre for Electoral Support
website: http://www.eces.eu - ECETOC - Centre Européen d’Ecotoxicologie et Toxicologie des produits chimiques
website: http://www.ecetoc.org - ECG - The Association of European Vehicle Logistics
website: http://www.ecgassociation.eu - ECGA - European Carbon and Graphite Association
website: http://www.ecga.net - ECIIA - European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing
Confédération européenne des instituts d'audit interne
website: http://www.eciia.eu - ECO - European Cancer Organisation
website: https://www.europeancancer.org/ - ECO Platform
website: http://www.eco-platform.org - ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition
website: http://www.ecpc.org - ECTA
website: http://www.ecta.org - ECTAA - The Eureopean Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Associations
Union Européenne des agences et organisateurs de voyages
website: http://www.ectaa.eu - ECTP-CEU - European Council of Spatial Planners
website: https://www.ectp-ceu.eu - ECTRI - European Conference of Transport Research Institutes
website: http://www.ectri.org - ECTS - European Calcified Tissue Society
website: http://www.ectsoc.org - EDANA - International Association Serving the Nonwovens and Related Industries
Association Internationale au service de l’Industrie des nontissés et des industries apparentées
website: http://www.edana.org - EEB - European Environmental Bureau
website: https://eeb.org/ - EECA - European Electronic Component Manufacturers’ Association
website: http://www.eusemiconductors.eu - EEE-YFU - European Educational Exchanges - Youth for Understanding
website: http://www.yfu.org - EFA - European FinTech Association
website: http://www.eufintechs.com - EFAD - European Film Agency Directors Association
website: http://www.europeanfilmagencies.eu - EFAMA - European Fund and Asset Management Association
website: http://www.efama.org - EFAT - European Federation of Art Therapy
website: http://www.arttherapyfederation.eu - EFC - European Federation For Colposcopy and Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract
website: http://www.efcolposcopy.eu - EFC - European Federation of Corrosion
website: http://www.efcweb.org - EFF - European Franchise Federation
website: http://www.eff-franchise.com - EFFA - European Flavour Association
website: http://www.effa.eu - Efficient Buildings Europe
website: https://efficientbuildings.eu/ - EFFRA - European Factories of the Future Research Association
website: http://www.effra.eu - EFGCP - European Forum for Good Clinical Practice
website: http://www.efgcp.eu - EFIL - European Federation for Intercultural Learning
Fédération européenne pour l'apprentissage interculturel
website: http://www.efil.afs.org/efi_en/home - EFMD - European Foundation for Management and Development
website: http://www.efmd.org - EFPA - European Federation of Psychologists Associations
website: http://www.efpa.eu - EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Associations and Industries
Fédération européenne d’associations et d'industries pharmaceutiques
website: http://www.efpia.eu - EFTTA - European Fishing Tackle & Trade Association
website: http://www.eftta.com - EGEA - European Garage Equipment Association
website: http://www.egea-association.eu - EHHA - European Historic Houses Association
website: https://www.ehh.eu/ - EHN - European Heart Network
website: http://www.ehnheart.org - EHPA - European Heat Pump Association
website: http://www.ehpa.org - EIASM - European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
website: http://www.eiasm.net - EICF - European Investment Casters'Federation
website: http://www.eicf.org - EIGA - European Industrial Gases Association
website: http://www.eiga.eu - EIIL - European Institute for Industrial Leadership
website: http://www.eiil.net - EJD - European Junior Doctors
website: http://www.juniordoctors.eu - ELCWP - European Lung Cancer Working Party
website: http://www.elcwp.org - ELIA - European Language Industry Association
website: http://www.elia-association.org - ELPA-Clean Europe Network - European Litter Prevention Association
website: http://www.cleaneuropenetwork.eu - EMI/MEI - European Movement International
Mouvement Européen International
website: http://www.europeanmovement.eu - EMIRI - Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative
website: http://www.emiri.eu - EMMI - European Money Markets Institute
website: http://www.emmi-benchmarks.eu - ENAEE - European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
website: http://www.enaee.eu - ENCATC - European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres
website: http://www.encatc.org - ENORB - European Network On Religion and Belief
website: https://enorb.eu - ENS - European Nuclear Society
website: http://www.euronuclear.org - EORTC - European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Organisation européenne pour la recherche et le traitement du cancer
website: http://www.eortc.org - EPACA - The European Public Affairs Consultancies Association
website: https://epaca.org - EPCA - The European Petrochemical Association
Association européenne de la pétrochimie
website: http://www.epca.eu - EPIA - SolarPower Europe – Leading the Energy Transition
website: http://www.solarpowereurope.org - EPMA - European Powder Metallurgy Association
website: http://www.epma.com - EPSO - European Plant Science Organisation
website: http://www.epsoweb.org - ePURE - European Renewable Ethanol
website: http://www.epure.org - EPWS - European Platform of Woman Scientists
website: http://www.epws.org - EQAR - European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education
website: http://www.eqar.eu - EREN - European Roma Equality Network
website: https://www.eren-eu.org/ - ERMCO - European Ready Mixed Concrete Organization
website: http://www.ermco.eu - ESAIC - The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
website: http://www.esahq.org - ESAPS - European Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
website: http://www.esaps.eu - ESB Octopus Swimming Team - The Swimming Team of the European School of Octopus
- ESF - European Safety Federation
website: http://www.eu-esf.org - ESICM - European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
website: http://www.esicm.org - ESMA - European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association
website: http://www.esma.com - ESTC - The EMEA Synthetic Turf Council
website: https://www.estc.info/ - ESTIF - European Solar Thermal Industry Federation
website: http://www.estif.org - ESU - The European Students Union
website: http://www.esu-online.org - ETC - European Travel Commission
website: http://www.etc-corporate.org - ETIRA - European Toner & Inkjet Remanufacturer ’s Association
website: http://www.etira.org - ETRMA - European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers’ Association
website: http://www.etrma.org - ETS - European Tissue Symposium
website: http://www.europeantissue.com - EUA - European University Association
Association européenne de l'université
website: http://www.eua.be - EUCASS - The European conference for aero-space sciences
website: http://www.eucass.eu - EUCOLAIT - European Association of Dairy Trade
Union européenne du commerce des produits laitiers et dérivés
website: http://www.eucolait.eu - EUDA - European Dredging Association
website: http://european-dredging.eu/ - EUMA - European Microwave Association
website: http://www.eumwa.org - EUN - EUN Partnership
website: http://www.eun.org/ - EUNIC - EU National Institutes for Culture
website: https://www.eunicglobal.eu/ - EUNITED - European Engineering Industries Association
website: http://www.eu-nited.net - EURACOAL - European Association for Coal and Lignite
website: http://www.euracoal.org - EUREAU - European Federation of National Associations of Water Services
Fédération européenne des associations nationales de services d'eau
website: http://www.eureau.org - EUREKA NETWORK
website: http://www.eurekanetwork.org - EURELECTRIC - Union of the Electricity Industry
website: http://www.eurelectric.org - EURHODIP - Leading Hotel Schools in Europe
website: http://www.eurhodip.com - EURIMA - European Insulation Manufacturers Association
Association européenne des fabricants de matériaux isolants
website: http://www.eurima.org - EUROCHILD
website: http://www.eurochild.org - EUROCOMMERCE
website: http://www.eurocommerce.eu - EUROFIR - European Food Information Resource Network
website: http://www.eurofir.org - EUROGYPSUM - The Voice of the European Gypsum Industry
website: http://www.eurogypsum.org - EUROLUX - European Group for Rooflights and Smoke-ventilation
Groupement Européen de Fabricants d’appareils d’éclairement zenithal et exutoires de fumées
website: http://www.eurolux-eu.com/ - EUROMIL - European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions
website: http://www.euromil.org - EUROPABIO - The European Association for Bioindustries
website: http://www.europabio.org - EUROPATLAS - Organisation de Solidarité Internationale
website: http://www.europatlas.org - EUROPLATFORMS - The European Logistic Platforms Association
website: http://www.europlatforms.eu - EVA - European Vending Association
website: http://www.vending-europe.eu - EWPA - European Whey Processors Association
website: http://www.euromilk.org - EXCA - European Expanded Clay Association
website: http://www.exca.eu - EXCiPACT
website: https://www.excipact.org/ - FAMI-QS - The Quality and Safety System for Speciality Feed Ingredients
website: http://www.fami-qs.org - FCI - Fédération cynologique internationale
website: http://www.fci.be - FEA - European Aerosol Federation
website: http://www.aerosol.org - FECIF - European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries
Fédération européenne des conseils et intermédiaires Financiers
website: http://www.fecif.eu - FEDIAF - European Pet Food Industry Federation
Fedération Européenne de l'industrie des aliments pour animaux familiers
website: http://www.fediaf.org - FEDIOL - The EU Vegetable Oil and Protein Meal Industry Association
website: http://www.fediol.eu - FEFAC - European Feed Manufacturers' Federation
Fédération européenne des fabricants d'aliments composés pour animaux
website: http://www.fefac.eu - FEFANA - EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures
website: http://www.fefana.org - FEHRL - Forum of European & National Highway Research Laboratories
website: http://www.fehrl.org - FEICA - Association of the European Adhesive and Sealant Industry
website: http://www.feica.eu - FELASA - Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations
website: http://www.felasa.eu - FERMA - Federation of European Risk Management Associations
Fédération Européenne de Risk Management
website: http://www.ferma.eu - FERTILIZERS EUROPE
website: http://www.fertilizerseurope.com - FEVE - European Container Glass Federation
Fédération européenne du verre d'emballage
website: http://www.feve.org - FICC - International Federation of Camping, Caravanning and Autocaravaning
Fédération internationale de camping, de caravanning et de autocaravaning
website: http://www.ficc.org - FIDI - The FIDI Global Alliance
website: http://www.fidi.org - FIEC - European Construction Industry Federation
website: http://www.fiec.eu - FIGIEFA - International Federation of Automotive Aftermarket Distributors
Fédération internationale des grossistes importateurs et exportateurs en fournitures automobiles
website: http://www.figiefa.eu - FITCE - Federation of Telecommunications Engineers in the European Community
Fédération des ingénieurs des télécommunications de la Communauté européenne
website: http://www.fitce.org - FOODDRINKEUROPE
website: http://www.fooddrinkeurope.eu - FREREF - Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche en Education et en Formation
website: http://www.freref.eu - FRESHFEL EUROPE - European Fresh Produce Association
website: http://www.freshfel.org - FUELS EUROPE - European Fuel Manufacturers Association
website: http://www.concawe.org - FVE - Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
website: http://www.fve.org - GAE - Glass Alliance Europe
website: http://www.glassallianceeurope.eu - GEF - Green European foundation
website: http://www.gef.eu - GIRP - European Healthcare Distribution Association
website: http://www.girp.eu - GS1
website: http://www.gs1.org - H2i - Human Innovation Hub
- HCWH - Health Care Without Harm Europe
website: https://noharm-europe.org - HE - Hydrogen Europe
website: http://www.hydrogeneurope.eu - IAS - International Association of Sedimentologists
website: http://www.sedimentologists.org - ICA - Alliance Coopérative Internationale
International Cooperative Alliance AISBL
website: http://www.ica.coop - ICLAS - International Council for Laboratory Animal Science
website: http://www.iclas.org - ICMC - International Catholic Migration Commission Europe
website: http://www.icmc.net - IDF/FIL - International Dairy Federation
Fédération Internationale du Lait
website: http://www.fil-idf.org - IEA - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
website: http://www.iea.nl - IEAI - Irish in Europe Association
Irish in Europe Association
website: http://www.irishineurope.org - IGA - International Greeter Association
website: https://internationalgreeter.org/ - IGI - The Global Wallcoverings Association
website: http://www.igiwallcoverings.org - IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth and Student Organisation
website: http://www.iglyo.com - IIAS / IISA - International Institute of Administrative Sciences
Institut international des sciences administratives
website: http://www.iias-iisa.org - IIRB - International Institute of Sugar Beet Research
website: http://www.iirb.org - ILA - International Light Association
website: http://www.international-light-association.org - ILS - International Life Saving Federation
website: http://www.ilsf.org - IMA EUROPE - Industrial Minerals Association Europe
website: http://www.ima-europe.eu - INCLUSION EUROPE - European Association of Societies of Persons with Intellectual Disability and their Families
website: http://www.inclusion-europe.org - INTERGRAF - European Association for Print and Digital communication
website: http://www.intergraf.eu - IPPF EN - IPPF European Network
website: http://www.ippfen.org - IPRN - International Public Relations Network
website: http://www.iprn.com - IREG - Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence
website: http://www.ireg-observatory.org - ISOPA - European Diisocyanates and Polyols Producers Associations
website: http://www.isopa.org - ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation
Confédération Syndicale International
website: http://www.ituc-csi.org - IWTO - International Wool Textile Organisation
website: http://www.iwto.org - IZA Europe - The International Zinc Association
website: http://www.zinc.org - JPI OCEANS - Joint Programming Initiative on Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
website: https://www.jpi-oceans.eu/ - KIND Europe - Kids in Need of Defense Europe
website: http://www.supportkind.org - La FORESTIERE
website: http://www.forestiere.be - LE - LightingEurope
website: http://www.lightingeurope.org - LEASEUROPE - European Federation of Leasing Company Associations
website: http://www.leaseurope.org - LIQUID GAS EUROPE
website: http://www.aegpl.eu - Medicines for Europe AISBL
Association européenne du médicament générique
website: http://www.medicinesforeurope.com - MedTech Europe
website: http://www.medtecheurope.org - NATRUE - The International Natural & Organic Cosmetics Association
website: http://www.natrue.org - Neurodiversity Belgium
website: http://www.adhd-edu.be - NMWE - Natural Mineral Waters Europe
website: http://www.naturalmineralwaterseurope.org - NP - Nonviolent Peaceforce
website: http://www.nonviolentpeaceforce.org - OET - Open EdTech
website: https://www.openedtech.global - OFE - OpenForum Europe
website: http://www.openforumeurope.org - OICED - International Organisation of Consultants and Experts for Developement
website: http://www.oiced.org - Orange Together
website: http://www.orangetogether.org - ORGALIM - Europe's technology industries
website: http://www.orgalim.eu - ParadigMS
website: http://www.paradigms.foundation - PHAP - International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection
website: https://phap.org - PHILEA - Philanthropy Europe Association
website: https://philea.eu/ - POLIS - Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services
website: http://www.polisnetwork.eu - POSTEUROP - Association of European public postal operators
website: http://www.posteurop.org - PRACE - Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe
website: http://www.prace-ri.eu - PU EUROPE - Federation of European Rigid Polyurethane Foam
website: http://www.pu-europe.eu - RECHARGE - The Advanced Rechargeable & Lithium Batteries Association
website: http://www.rechargebatteries.org - REFORMED - Regroupement Européen pour la formation et la reconnaissance des médecines non-conventionnelles
website: http://www.reformed-eu.org - Refugee Hub Europe - Refugee Hub Europe
- REHVA - Federation of European Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Associations
website: http://www.rehva.eu - REIN - Réseau Européen pour l’Insertion Sociale et professionnelle des Personnes défavorisées
website: http://www.rein-network.eu - SACAR - European Secretariat of the United Agricultural Trade Associations
Secrétariat européen d'associations du commerce agricole réunies
website: http://www.sacar.be - SAFE - Stroke Alliance for Europe
website: http://www.safe.stroke.com - SAR - SEAS AT RISK
website: http://www.seas-at-risk.org - SCI - The Association of Service Civil International
website: http://www.sci.ngo - SELDIA - The European Direct Selling Association
website: http://www.seldia.eu - SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe
website: http://www.setac.org - SFCG - Search for Common Ground
website: http://www.sfcg.org - SFPE-SEPS - Seniors of the European Public Service
Anciens de la Fonction Publique Européenne
website: http://www.sfpe-seps.be - SIPA - Seafood Importers & Processors Alliance
website: http://www.seafoodalliance.org - STARCH Europe
website: http://www.starch.eu - THE BREWERS OF EUROPE
website: http://www.brewersofeurope.org - TIC - Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center
Centre international d'étude de tantale et niobium
website: http://www.tanb.org - TIE - Toy Industries of Europe
website: http://www.tietoy.org - TPE - Trade Promotion Europe
website: https://www.tradepromotioneurope.eu/ - TRAFFIC - Traffic International Europe
website: http://www.traffic.org - UCAPE - Union for the Cultural and Professional Future in Europe
website: http://www.ucape.eu/ - UECBV - European Livestock and Meat Trades Union
website: http://www.uecbv.eu - UEJM - Université Européenne Jean Monnet
website: http://www.jeanmonnet.com - UETR - European Road Haulers Association
website: http://www.uetr.eu - UIA - Union of International Associations
Union des associations internationales
website: http://www.uia.org - UITP - Advancing Public Transport
website: http://www.uitp.org - UNESDA - European Soft Drinks Europe
website: http://www.unesda.eu - UNIFE - Union of European Rail Industries
Union des Industries Ferroviaires Européennes
website: http://www.unife.org - UPEI - Europe’s Independent fuel Suppliers Association
website: http://www.upei.org - VAC4EU - Vaccine Monitoring Collaboration for Europe
website: https://vac4eu.org/ - Vasco de Gama - EIDIR - European Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations
website: http://www.eidir.org - VIDES - International Volunteer Organization for Women, Education, Development
Volontariat international femmes, education, développement
website: http://www.vides.org - VSE - Victim Support Europe
website: http://www.victimsupport.eu - WAGGGS - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Association Mondiale des Guides et des Eclaireuses - AMGE
website: https://www.wagggs.org/en/ - WBCPC - World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition
website: http://www.worldbladdercancer.org - WE - Water Europe
website: http://www.watereurope.eu - WEEE Forum - Waste of electrical and electronic equipment
website: http://www.weee-forum.org - WFICC - World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care
website: http://www.wficc.com - WFTO EUROPE - World Fair Trade Organization Europe
website: http://www.wfto-europe.org - WSBI-ESBG - European Savings Banks Group
Groupement européen des caisses d'épargne
website: http://www.savings-banks.com - WVA - The World Veterinary Association
website: https://worldvet.org/ - WWF EPO - European Policy Programme
website: http://www.wwf.eu - YFJ - European Youth Forum
Forum européen de la Jeunesse
website: http://www.youthforum.org