With Nemanja Todić from Web Bay
Venue: ACI Europe, Boulevard du Régent 37-40, 1000 Brussels
Our mission is to support European and International Associations in Belgium in every possible way.
If you are planning to set up a European or International Association in Belgium,
we are here to help.
Founded in 1949, we use our network, experience and expertise to...
Assist our members
on a wide-range of issues, including legal and taxation matters
- Our FAQs cover essential , as well as topical issues, for INPAs.
- Our quarterly FAIB News provide an in-depth overview of all events and developments in the last three months.
Defend and represent
our members’ interests towards Belgian and EU regulatory bodies
Connect our members
with trusted experts and service providers
Our Associate Members and our Sponsors stand ready to provide advice and help when you need it.
Help new associations
to set up in Belgium
What Members Say
Theodora Goulioti
CEO, BIG - Breat International Group
With FAIB and its members, we can learn about changes in Belgian law that affect associations and have a professional benchmark against which we can compare ourselves and our development as an international association based in Belgium.
Denis Pennel
Managing Director, WEC – World Employment Confederation
We particularly appreciate being able to reach out and learn from other similar organisations in terms of best practice sharing, ways of doing business, etc.
Liesbeth Switten
Secretary General, AIB – Association of Issuing Bodies
Interesting content, top speakers, great way to keep the association community informed!
Philippe Vangeel
Secretary General, AVERE – The European Association for Electromobility
As an international association established in Belgium, it felt obvious we should be part of FAIB.
Suzanne Zänker
Director General, A.I.S.E. – International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products
FAIB is a very useful source of information for international associations in Belgium. We especially appreciate FAIB webinars and some of the workshops on soft skills.